Prayer Everywhere
Prayer Tool:
How To Prayer Walk
Prayer walking is stepping out and praying for your community as you walk. This prayer tool will help you to get started.
“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, ‘Mine!’” Abraham Kuyper
Bible Reference:
‘’I am giving you every square inch of the land you set your foot on.” Joshua 1:3
A quick introduction to Prayer Walking
One of the most effective forms of spiritual warfare is prayer-walking.
Inspired by God’s promise to Joshua, we can walk the victory of Jesus into every part of our neighbourhoods, cities and nations.
In faith we walk, believing that as the soles of our feet hit the ground, we are appropriating the work of Jesus over the principalities and powers influencing the atmosphere and shaping the narratives of our city.
Each step we take in Jesus’ name, we weaken something of the enemy’s grip in the Heavenly realms and subvert the systems of evil and injustice.
Prayer walking thrusts us out of our church buildings, forcing us to resist the temptation to stay inward-focused, stirring us to keep the mission front and centre. It engages all our senses, rousing us to cry out to God - as we walk with defiant hope into every crack and crevice of our cities.
While we walk in victory, and therefore pray in victory, let us remember the way that victory was won – sacrificial, self-emptying, love.
Prayer Tool: How to Prayer Walk
As we prayer-walk, let’s not get so consumed with the forces of darkness and our own adrenaline rush of triumphalism that we get our eyes off Jesus. Let us kneel in our streets in a posture of humility, repentance and unity, and let us declare that Jesus’ sacrifice is more than enough for the redemption of all peoples and places.
Do it: How to Prayer Walk
This uses WALK as an acronym, and contains 4 simple steps:
W – Worship
As you set off walking begin with your eyes on Jesus. Say the name of Jesus; recite a Psalm; hum a worship song; speak quietly in tongues – basically anything that helps declare the Lordship of Jesus over the streets you walk on.
A – Ask
Flowing from your worship begin petitioning God for His Spirit to fall on the streets you walk on, the homes, businesses, schools and other churches you walk
past. Begin to get specific and pray for people and situations, the ‘people of peace’ you know God has brought you into contact with, who are opening up doors of opportunity for the gospel within your community.
L – Listen
As you worship and pray, leave space to listen to what God might want to say to you - then pray that back. Often God may give you promises from scripture or prophetic words and pictures; listen for promises and literally walk these promises all over your community.
If you are prayer-walking in twos, listen to one another’s prayers and you will find yourself sparking off one another’s words and thoughts.
K - Know your Land
Get (and keep) yourself informed around the area you are prayer-walking; research some of its history; some of its ongoing problems; so you can pray for breakthrough.
Get to know some of the current situations that require persevering prayer and also celebrate the particular graces that rest on the area, asking God to make your area a blessing beyond its borders.
Prayer Tool: How to Prayer Walk
Books on Prayer Walking
• “Prayer Walking: Praying on site with insight” – Steve Hawthorne and Graham Kendrick